domingo, 15 de fevereiro de 2015

Ameaça de morte de um filho da puta islâmico turco

este filho da puta ( Ysf Yusuf Filizoğlu)  mora na Alemanha, e também do nada, enviou-me uma mensagem:

Para conversares com Ysf e outros amigos, liga o chat.
Início da conversa de chat
8 de Janeiro de 2015 14:20
Your the next
8 de Fevereiro de 2015 13:51
no, your the next, fucker.
Terça-feira 12:37
by easy jet you can get tickets for about 30 euros, from germany, come here, i am waiting for you.
Komedian Freak
LOL your the one who made the threat , you´re the comedian
and that picture is it your fagot dad?!
You got to be expel from europe, this isn´t your country, go where you are happy with sharia law and pedophilia
Go home Portegessss
yeh go home turqissss trash
"your next" LOL
We Fuck all your Family's on Ottoman empire go home
Turkish power
one towsend years ago!! and then you get all fucked by us, including your family´s, and send out here, and you still crying since that.
turkish shit
Portugal Power, Israel Power, Europe power, USA Power, Freedom Power.
death treats from shit like you?! you´re nothing, you live in the middle age, and your brains are like goats, but goats deserve respect unlike you
Fim da conversa de chat

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